
To some girls guys are all the same in their eyes. I can’t really tell the differences. I do make sure that I analyze every situation as best as I can. I also try to have an open mind set within everyone’s views. By some of my choice that I make it makes me understand guys and. The world a lot better. Some of my male friends have told me I act like one of the guys. I take that as a complement because that means I can relate to them. It also lets you know all guys are not dogs.
All guys don’t prey on women to make their life miserable. I feel like its actual a great opportunity for a guy to have female friends. This allows them to get the women’s perspective on the wrong they did to there women . It lets them know how they can work on the situation.
Its okay for a girl to have guy friends because it allows her to have a males perspective, on the wrong they did in their situation with there men. Some people think that its wrong for a girl to have a lot of male friends. I benefits her in the long run. Who is too say things want change in the world because of this.
As I stated above some people feel like all guys are the same. To be honest in today’s society it is hard to really separate the two. A majority of guys want sex from a girl before marriage because they don’t go by the “right way” to do things. That is why when a guy is being “too’’ nice which is being nicer than usual, it usually means they want something. I ask myself everyday Will the world change? Will it remain the same? Will someone love me for who I really am. Not love me for what I can offer them sexually. I don’t think all guys are he same, but they do have some of the same characteristics.

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